conceptual oyster

Around the world with two suitcases and a drawl thick as blackstrap molasses...

17 February 2006


(random wellington google image)

just a quick post script on a few other items...sans camera...dang it...
first, after the chinese new year festival we went for a quick good kiwi nature at a restaraunt called arizona next to with the intercontinental hotel...apparently a fancy abode.
and guess who/what pulled in...
'fiddy cent's' tour bus...this is not PC i know, but it was good to see some brothas and shorties.
enough said on that before my blog gets shut down.

wednesday, as if i haven't enough years of education under my belt...i went back to high school,
that's right. night school at wellington high school, taking an italian language course, e molto bene e bravo bravo....there's me and another young girl whom recently married the stereotypical italian and la professoressa says she will teach us the good stuff...then there was a moment when the class was silent and looking at one another, and sure enough, there was a tremor.

finally, yesterday, out for a bit of exercise and there's a big hullabaloo going on at the harbour. there is the volvo around the world sailing race, a pit stop in wellington, and we were there as these fancy boats started coming in...we saw team abn-amro from the netherlands come's really interesting and will try to get some pictures before they take off on sunday because, to me, it's also quite amazing how well they park these boats in the harbour. cool,

off now for a [paid] training session for my latest architectural endeavor...what a year it's been.
so, check out the links below for more info.

recent earthquakes:

volvo ocean race:

wellington high school:


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