conceptual oyster

Around the world with two suitcases and a drawl thick as blackstrap molasses...

19 January 2007

in responce and awareness...

it's a shame when you get to that point.
when we were younger, everything was dramatic and at least passionate.
now it's all practicalities.

i guess knitting has become my 'mental rosary' and i forsee lots of knitting in the coming weeks. i think i took up knitting because it's such an anal craft for perfectionists. then i realise i am so loosey goosey with my knitting, so it safely balances out the uptight attitude i have towards all the other areas in my life.

High Point is having it's first inclement weather of 2007.
i realised it was exactly these days 2 (or maybe 3 by now) i travelled to HP to do a sight analysis for my architectural thesis project. that was also one of those years when december and january seemed to hover around the 70 degree mark. then i came to town for this documentation...and there was a significant ice storm. my nephew and i trekked in the cold for several hours, we got lots of bad photos and several good laughs.
i also got a spa facial during both of these weekends,
maybe HP isn't so bad after all.


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