conceptual oyster
Around the world
with two suitcases and a
drawl thick as blackstrap molasses...
coming soon:the adventures of Allied International Babesor Globalization and the Merging of Western Civilizations.
Noodles Aren't Just for Pasta
I'm not one of these aristocratic snobs that turns their noses up towards the "salt of the earth". In fact, I embrace folk culture, knowing that often these people are far more in tune with their environs than we pop culturists. These folks are at the root of human existence, they are the ones who have made our educated lives possible.However, I recently watched a documentary entitled Okie Noodling. (it aired on PBS promptly after an ad for TIAA Cref -supporting those working in cultural fields and just before the History of Ketchup) These people are idiots! (I know this is in stark contrast to my last post...but if you, too, have seen this program you understand) These people are risking their lives to catch cat fish with their bare hands by wading around in swamps, flooded quarries, and collapsed highway infrastructure.I learned this term 'noodling' as I was watching the local new broadcast here in sunny Savannah and they announced a law had been passed making noodling legal in the state of Georgia. Not knowing what noodling was...I set out to 'research' as many of you reading this know I am prone. The more I learned, the more I wish I did not know. This sport, I find disturbing.And as for Georgia, with so many homicides, crimes against humanity, and drug trafficking...Could resources be better spent cracking down on real crime and not exploiting ignorance and catfish?
Dali Lama
Too often we spend our time and energy judging others for their faults or for what they are not giving us. We do this without ever looking at ourselves, our own faults, or what others may be needing from us. We call it spoiled, selfish, or simply conceited.My guess however, is that even the best of us, our personal friends whom we admire, those leaders of faith, and our public leaders...haven't they once put self indulgent thoughts at the forefront of their giving minds and bodies?We walk through this world keenly focused on our own pain and disappointments without ever considering those burdens that we have placed on others.