conceptual oyster

Around the world with two suitcases and a drawl thick as blackstrap molasses...

13 June 2006


incase you've been wondering where all the emailing and blogging takes it is complete with silver travel trunk, twisted palm frand wand made by a vagrant in savannah 2 years ago at least, deck chair along side posture chair, and top notch desk and chest from none other than...SA.

i finished the remix sweater, just haven't mangaged to take a good photo yet.

had another earthquake, and at the moment we are having (for the third day) some massive wind storms, irritating. but funny to see the sea gulls...they actually get blown some times.

latest topic to ponder:

serial manogamy.

think about it.

08 June 2006

smiles everyone, smiles...

amber just sent me this image (me and hiroe) from the beaux artes ball of 2005...
we've all come a long way baby in one year since then.

speaking of babies...hiro had her babe yesterday.
a healthy baby girl and
" it hurt like hell..."

good job hiro!