mi scusa
hi, sorry you had too look at food coma for so long. the reason is this, i was trying to get fancy with the blog a while back and inadvertantly reset all the controls to this blog. now, using the super powerful non-dial up connection at VUW i have finally hacked my way into my own blog, so here's the recap:
i'm continuing to work at the university, by now i have worked in academic setting more than the practice office, so what does this mean??? i dunno yet, but i am returning in 2007, at least i said i was. i may or may not win the lottery between now and then and you could then find me in Fiji, maybe...
so this trimester has been nuts, out of control, but so far i've really enjoyed it, i even got my own office. (this is good to balance out a rough 2006) now we are off to italy to study in Ferrara for about two months. i'm even coordinating my own brand new course (paper in british uni) with a focus on analysis, step two in taking over the world. ( i forgot what step one was) then i will return to NC to love my snuggly pups, and family too.
biggest challenge:
packing....some of you know this about me all too well (melanie, hiroe, you don't to be sooo mean about how many black shirts i take). well, the current air travel status whipped me in shape, and i am all packed for 4 months in one medium sized suitcase. well done.
okay, love hate relationships, you guys know i struggled with the decision to come here, but i did come, enthusiastically, it was hard and may tears were shed. i was bored, i was homesick, and i felt i wasn't accomplishing anything. then some wise well traveled pals had a talk with me, told me to quit trying to live in two places at once. mom reminded me of girl scouts: make new friends but keep the old. those thoughts along with a bit of prayer, painting, retail therapy (a whole nother entry), and hip hop fitness...i made it clear in my own head why i was here, and i wouldn't be here forever, and what i adore of this country! i let myself settle here, at least for now. and you know what?
suddenly, it all fell into place, i began to accomplish work, friends, health, etc...
so now, 8 months later, i was crying as i pack up 'home' for the gazillionth time:
i'm not so ready to leave.
but now, i reach for another goal, i am now with the opportunity to work in italy,
then home for friends and family,
and back to wellington for more in 2007!!!
i'm off for a bon voyage coffee now, can't wait to share a coffee or biscuit with you soon.
Big Kiss, and I love you all,