conceptual oyster

Around the world with two suitcases and a drawl thick as blackstrap molasses...

28 February 2007

one month

today is one month since sammy passed.
i will start to post again,
but here's an update.

life goes on, but i still miss sam. the days are uneventful and painfully quiet. i miss that tail, his face in the doorway when i get home, and his words.

i stayed in america. high point in fact, not really sure why, i just know that one month ago i was certain it was the thing to do.
work is work, boring and not a challenge anymore. but it helps to support my 2007 debt reduction scheme.

i miss welly tremendously.
matters of the heart are just that and are going as expected for someone 'tender hearted' like myself.

maya is struggling with her weight...

i will also begin soon my 2007 east coast visiting tour and should wrap up in june at amber's wedding where i will be a 5th time bride's maid....and wear my fancy sash and purse i made.

oyster girl